Oat Flour Brownies

Oat Flour Brownies


For this recipe, I decided to try a different flour. I was curious to find out how steel cut oats would work in the Wonder Mill. I thought this might be a great way for people on a gluten free diet to get some good use from the Wonder Mill, and to save money on grains. It worked like a charm, and this recipe is fantastic. It may even replace my traditional flour based brownie recipe from now on.

They came out that good!

To make oat flour, I used steel cut oats and ground them in the Wonder Mill on the bread flour setting. I think the pastry setting would have been even better, so give that a try if you make these.

Steel cut oats look just like wheat berries.

Ground Steel Cut Oats

I store my oat flour in the fridge to keep it from going rancid, just like wheat flour.

Oat Flour Brownies
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 8
  • 1 stick of melted butter
  • ½ cup dark chocolate cocoa powder (you can use regular dutch process powder, but I like dark chocolate)
  • 1 cup sugar (or your favorite sugar substitute)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 2 Tablespoons dark brewed coffee (I used leftovers from my morning coffee. You can use instant espresso as a substitute)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup oat flour
  • 1 cup chocolate chips
  1. Preheat the oven to 350˚
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine melted butter and cocoa powder. Beat with a wire whisk until the chocolate is completely blended with the butter and no lumps remain.
  3. Mix in sugar.
  4. Whisk in eggs, one at a time until blended.
  5. Add vanilla, coffee and salt. Blend until combined.
  6. Stir in oat flour until just combined. Do not over mix!
  7. Fold in chocolate chips.
  8. Grease a 8 x 8" pan (I used my heart shaped casserole dish), and pour in batter. Spread the batter evenly into the dish.
  9. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until a knife inserted in the middle comes out with a few crumbs on it still. Don't over bake!


About Bex Built A Family

About Bex - Bex is a wife to a touring musician and mother to one beautiful little girl. She holds down a full time job and loves her career. But when she's at home, she's all about baking, cooking, gardening, crafting and finding ways to make her little home complete. Her specialty is finding ways to make store bought junk-food healtheir at home. She also likes to find ways to include her little toddler in crafting and baking adventures, so be sure to look for kid friendly ideas! When Bex isn't busy around the house or stuck behind her desk, she enjoys taking the family up to the mountains for some outdoor camping fun. Checkout my blog Bex Built A Family.

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